Leonidas Jones wrote:
OldCroc wrote:
The Subject line says it all, except I would like to add that this is
important to me, as I do not want what is on my Version either
Destroyed or imported into Version 2.0, except by manually being done
by me. There are some errors in formatting in certain folders that I
do not want carried over, plus I have too many things I just don't
want to lose!

It is never a good idea to state your question in the subject line only. The better procedure is to write a descriptive subject line, then state your question in full in the body of the message.

Just install it.

Sorry if this seems elementary, but specifically, how do I install 2.0 without interfering with 1.1.18 or anything else? Right now, 1.1.18 is in the folder C:Program files\Mozilla.org\Sea Monkey. Do I just install 2.0 in another folder Program files\Sea Monkey?
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