Nairda wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Nairda wrote:
Nairda wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Nairda wrote:
Hay gang. Nice work with SM 2.0.

So how many versions of SM 2.X will it be before we can import
identities with out having to do the extra ones manually?

If you planning on waiting, it will be a long wait. I don't think it
will ever be available.


Thanks for your reply Lee.
In that case I think I will wait till MozBackup 1.4.10 comes out of
Beta. When ever that will be. (:
Mozbackup 1.4.9 claims to work with SeaMonkey 1.0a - 2.0.
Has anyone tried it with SM 2.0 yet?

OK, well I tried it, and MB 1.4.9 only finds SM2 and SM2 profiles after
SM2 has been installed.

SM2 doesn't even seem to import your old settings from the one single
profile that it does let you import. It took me ages to get things just
the way I wanted them, and it looks like one update blows them all away.

SM2 may be better, faster, and easier for some, but until the profile
migration is fixed (which as Lee says maybe never), I guess I'm sticking
with 1.1.18 for the foreseeable future.

All the best to everyone here.


Moz Backup is Windows only, so I have no direct knowledge of it.
However, your description seems consistent with how it should work.

Remember, it is backup tool, its not designed for profile migration.

You can invoke the migration wizard manually, to migrate other profiles:


Yes I did look at that once or twice, but it all seemed rather convoluted.

And it still begs to question, why don't settings seem to stick?
Like clicking a link in all my old profiles opened a new tab, not a
whole new window.

Or maybe that was part of what I used MultiZilla for. Which of course
would have to be reinstalled and re-setup from scratch I guess.

I will have another go at the migration when I get more time.

Thanks for all your help Lee.


Sad to say, Multizilla is not compatible with SM 2.0. It is a hobby extension, so there is no saying when or if it will ever be ported over.

As far as settings, most of mine did seem to carry over, but it is a totally different program. They can be reset easily enough in Preferences.

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