Interviewed by CNN on 26/11/2009 13:14, DoctorBill told the world:

> Files are named thusly under old folder;
> Sent  (no extension)  large
This is the one where the messages ACTUALLY are.

> Sent.msf    smaller
This is an index file, it exists only so Seamonkey can find quickly
where it should go in the large "no-extension" file. Sometimes these MSF
files get corrupted, but it's no big deal -- you just delete them, and
next time you open that message folder Seamonkey will reindex it and
generate a new MSF file. It contains NO info that can't be got again
from the main file.

> Rename them to what?  and put them where ?

Basically, rename them to "whatever you wish." The point of renaming is
just to avoid overwriting the existing files in the new profile.

> Do I erase the current ISP's folder and rename the old ISP's folder to the 
> new one's name?
> I know I could TRY that, but then I might irreversibly screw the pooch !

Hmmm, I wouldn't do that either.

First step: make a backup. Of everything (both old and new folders).
Second step: COPY files from the old folder to the new one. If there is
already a file there with the same name, rename the file being
copied/moved (for instance, rename "Inbox" to "OldInbox" or similar).
Third step: Open Seamonkey. There should now be extra folders in the new
ISP -- named "OldInbox", in the example above. Check this new folder to
see if it looks normal.
Fourth step: once you are satisfied that the messages were copied
correctly, delete the old folders.


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