On or about 12/2/2009 11:07 PM, David E. Ross typed the following:
> On 12/2/2009 7:53 PM, Paul wrote:
>> David E. Ross wrote:
>> (snip)
>> A great idea but getting millions of webmasters to change billions of
>> web sites could be a problem.
             <S N I P>
> There might be some upfront cost for creating a single set of Web pages
> (both HTML/XHTML and CSS) that have acceptable appearance for all
> "modern" browsers in place of multiple sets, one for each browser.  In
> the long run, the cost of maintenance will drop significantly.  If the
> pages are W3C-compliant, no new cost would be required when a new
> browser enters the market.  Web site maintenance costs driven by outside
> circumstances -- by browser developers -- would be eliminated.

True, but how do you convince the egotistic web-masters that try to
outdo each other?  As long as there's a way to display a picture,
animated cartoon, pop-up, rolling screen, scrolling text, music, etc.,
even though non-W3C compliant you will have sites that do not
display/work propely with one engine or another.


"Baseball is 90% mental -- the other half is physical."    -Yogi Berra
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