On 12/02/2009 04:08 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
> Two recent threads in mozilla.support.seamonkey on this issue resulted
> in very lengthy discussions.  See "Seamonkey and U.S. Government site
> does not work" at
> <news://news.mozilla.org:119/so-dntlowokak43wnz2dnuvz_r6dn...@mozilla.org>
> and "Web site work in IE but not in Seamonkey 2.0" at
> <news://news.mozilla.org:119/xfadnab_io4m4inwnz2dnuvz_oodn...@mozilla.org>.
> These are just more examples of errors being asserted in a Gecko browser
> when the real problem are invalid sniffing for UA strings by Web
> servers.  These problems are not new.  Tracking bug #334967 for these
> problems was written on 21 Apr 2006.  The earliest bug tracked by
> #334967 was bug #166261, written on 2 September 2002 and now closed.

If you're pointing folks to bugs, I recommend that you include the full
url/ui to the bug report. Many users haven't a clue as to how to view
"Tracking bug #334967" etc. I'll leave it up to you to provide the links.
> To deal with this issue, I suggest the following:
> 3.  When helping users to defeat invalid sniffing, they should be
> advised to treat spoofing as a temporary measure.  Permanent sniffing
> lends credence to assertions by Web developers that Firefox is the only
> Gecko browser visiting their sites and that no one uses SeaMonkey.
> Extensions such as PrefBar or User Agent Switcher should be recommended
> because they revert the UA string back to the browser's true UA when
> terminating or starting.  Further, any spoofing must include the actual
> SeaMonkey UA string with "Firefox" mere added; this is required so that
> humans reviewing raw server logs will see that SeaMonkey is an actual
> browser visiting their Web sites.

I pretty much agree with all but #3 (excepting the last sentence).

While I certainly agree that permanent spoofing... we also need to deal
with reality. I have multiple commercial customers and relatives/friends
that use SeaMonkey based upon my recommendations. Quite honestly I
simply do not have enough hours in the day to take trouble calls about
xyz site won't display, only to find out the site is Fx sniffing.
  I set them up on first install with
general.useragent.extra.firefox;NOT Firefox/3.5
and prefbar. Yes, I could spend time teaching them to use prefbar for
spoofing each time they run into a problem with a site, but I won't
bother. Ever had a clerk from a retail store call and complain that
SeaMonkey can't connect to xyz site & then try to troubleshoot that over
the phone? Clerk puts you on hold 4-5 times while helping an in-store
customer, then doesn't have the ability to modify about:config etc.

So, sorry; general.useragent.extra.firefox;NOT Firefox/<version> is my
solution & one that I'll stick with for everyone I support w/SeaMonkey
except my own systems.

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