Lucas Levrel wrote:
Le 26 novembre 2009, Bill Davidsen a écrit :

Lucas Levrel wrote:
Le 20 novembre 2009, Bill Davidsen a écrit :
Handling multiple forms per URL, covering all filled fields, would be
perfect for almost any use. And if there was only one saved form for a
URL, autofill might be the right interface.
Are you sure Form Autofill cannot save more than one form per URL? From what
I understood URL is used only as a filter, and different profiles may have
common filters.

With config options what they are I am not sure, but it appears to want me to
click in every field and select a value. My impression is that it can
recognize a form, and save all previous values in a given field, but there
seems to be no way to treat a set of field values such that I can go to a
single form and select SendMom or SendMe or SendWork and get the name,
address, and credit card info filled in as a single unit.

Sorry for not being clear enough. I was talking about this:

Would you mind testing it to see if it fits your needs? If you don't have and don't want to install FF you can do this:

Thanks for the information, I will try this as soon as possible, which I'm sorry to say may be a few days or more. I'm sort of reading this group in bits while waiting for a printer and such, so my time blocks are small for a proper test.

Looks quite clear, I should have no trouble other than time. :-(

Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 19:15:19 +0100
From: Jens Hatlak <>

For the brave: The extension mostly works in SM2 as well if you follow these
1. set extensions.checkCompatibility to false (create new boolean pref in
2. install the extension
3. add the following line to the chrome.manifest file in the
extensions/ folder:
overlay         chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul

From a brief look only some icons in the preferences dialog are missing. Even the customizable toolbar button is available.

Bill Davidsen <>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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