Robert Kaiser wrote:
Philip Chee wrote:
And then write up a cogent summary of why the mini buttons are wrong,
wrong, wrong.

That doesn't really help. What would help is a suggestion how to make it _really_ better. We all know that the current design isn't really good (though I am convinced it's better than the old design overall). What I'm missing in all that discussion is constructive ideas how to make it really good. The only suggested option I heard so far is killing the progress windows completely, and I think that would make more people unhappy than the current design.

Robert Kaiser

Do NOT kill the progress windows!

All they need to do is to return the buttons to their former size - or at least half their former size, if they are trying to attempt to save some display space...that would be big enough to be able to accurately target them with a track pad on a laptop, IMO. They should spend some time using the software with input devices other than an mouse - track ball, trackpad, pen tablet, etc.

...but they should also look at it on a net-book or at a resolution simulating that screen size/display size BEFORE they implement my "half size" suggestion to see if that really will work for all users.

     - Rufus
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