Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Do NOT kill the progress windows!

I agree, even if I personally don't use them, I see why some people like
them and really want to give those an experience that is functional,
useful and well-designed at the same time. I just miss ideas on how to
achieve that.

All they need to do is to return the buttons to their former size

At the current position it looks like crap, at the former position it
looks even worse. Suggestions? Text/Icon? If Icon, how should it look?


Seriously - it should look like it looked in SM 1.1.18 - a large, "standard" sized button with a label in it, in the previous position.

Just bring back what was - that was a good design.

People, please come up with real ideas, right now all I hear is "let's
replace crapwork with crapwork!"

Robert Kaiser

...see the above.  The tiny buttons are crap.

     - Rufus
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