Lucas Levrel wrote:
I think this has not yet been reported (I try to read most of the group
but with the heavy traffic, I may have missed it)...

When I first launched SM2, it offered to migrate one profile. I had two,
a real one named "Lucas", and a testing one named "default". I chose to
migrate the real one, "Lucas", which worked but after migration it is
called "default" in SM2. This might confuse many users... Also, I
renamed the migrated profile to "Lucas" but the profile folder is still
named *.default (maybe even more confusing!).

Yes, the first profile transferred will be named default in the new location. When you rename a profile in Profile Manager, it only changes the name you see in Profile Manager, not the name of the file. Its always done that, and can be a bit of a surprise the first time.

What you can do to workaround this is invoke Profile Manager and create a new profile, naming it Lucas in your case. Then close SeaMonkey, navigate to your profile location and rename the profile folders switching one for the other. That would return your clean profile to the one named default, and your working profile to Lucas.

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