On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 17:17:11 -0800, Rufus wrote:

> IMO, the buttons need to be sized so that they appear no smaller than 
> 1/2 the width of the former oblong buttons, or of a diameter that is 
> equal to the height of the former oblong buttons.
> They also need to be placed far enough from the dialog box edge such 
> that a user doesn't risk overshooting them while attempting to point 
> and/or click with with consideration being given to the variety of user 
> available pointing/input devices - including mice, trackballs, 
> trackpads, pen tablets, and iso-static devices.
> Buttons within ALL dialog boxes and/or other presentations furnished for 
> user input/interaction need to be of a size which is both visually and 
> tactilely accessible to/for all users of all abilities employing the 
> widest variety of equipment.

Rufus, please repost this analysis to the progress download window so it
doesn't get lost in the noise.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.

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