John Boyle wrote:
To Robert Kaiser: Then, you start, by explaining how, on earth, does one
migrate ones Addressbooks intact to SM2, in detail, PLEASE!???

First, it would probably be better to start a new thread for this, as it becomes hard to find buried in that quite badly named thread it's in right now.

That said, there are multiple ways:

1) The easiest solution is to let 2.0(.x) import your whole 1.x profile. That should be offered automatically when no 2.0 profile is present yet and your 1.x profile is correctly registered (should be the case when 1.x find it). If you have no useful/important data in your 2.0 profile yet, you can try moving your complete 2.0 profile directories (Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey) out of the way and then launching 2.0 (or even better 2.0.1, candidate builds are available right now) again.

2) If you want to import all your mail data from a usable profile from the old version into an existing new profile, you can use Tools > Import... from a mailnews or address book window, select "Import Everything" and in the next step "SeaMonkey 1.x, ...", one step further, the profile you want to import from, and then you should get all this data imported automatically.

3) You can open the address book window in 1.x, go to Tools > Export... and export your address books in LDIF format. From 2.0, you can use Tools > Import... in the address book window with the "Address Books" option to import those into the new version.

4) The most manual variant, which you should only use if none of the others applies or works correctly, is first creating empty new address books for those in the new profile, and then replacing their on-disk files in the new profile with copies of the files from the old profiles. If you really need to resort to that option, please ask about it in a new thread here and I'm sure someone will be able to help you with more specific instructions, but you usually should not need this option.

I hope one of those variants can help you.

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

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