In <>,
Phillip Jones <> wrote:

> »Q« wrote:

> > I find it amazing that some people conclude that the devs either
> > don't care about users or actively work against users' wishes, when
> > those same people continue to use the browser suite (either 1.1.x or
> > 2.0.x) that those same devs have spent years to produce.
> Is it quite possible because there absolutely nothing out on the
> market any better than SeaMonkey. Absolutely nothing.

That's the most amazing thing of all to me, that you can believe that a
group of developers willfully acting against the users have produced
absolutely the best product available.  With enemies like them, who
needs friends?  ;)

> > The devs have asked for and gotten a lot of constructive feedback
> > from users in this group, but multiple posts complaining about the
> > same feature ad nauseam and filled with all manner of malicious,
> > unfounded allegations about devs are only sapping energy that could
> > be used to improve SeaMonkey.
> There was no accusations that developers were sapping energy. 

I meant you're sapping *their* energy.  They've spent a lot of time
rebutting your accusations that would have been better spent working on
the browser (or out having fun, even, recharging for browser work).

> SM2 is a greatest Browser/Mail/news Product bar none. There is
> nothing on Earth and possibly Mars any better. Is it perfect. No. Are
> we disappointed in left out items. You Betcha!

One "I wish there were a passwords manager" post would be sufficient.
But you never stop with that.  I'm not even sure you realize how many
posts you've made about it, many of which accuse developers of acting

> > IMO, what users who want a forms manager should now do is look for
> > an extension developer who might provide one;  there are some for
> > Firefox that people could check out and encourage the authors to
> > make SM-compatible.  At least one complainer has already said he's
> > completely unwilling to do that, but others could do it.
> If your referring to whom I think you are. He said that as a lowly
> user such as he, he would be ignored, an individual user has no
> standing with developers. And, he didn't have the funds to pay him.
> If he had money, and influence he would be on the phone with him in a
> heart beat. An individual user has no influence with a developer.

It's simply untrue that an individual user cannot influence a

I expect you yourself can't influence developers much, but IMO that's
because your approach to influencing them just involves harassing them.

I've influenced several of them myself, in various projects, including
extension developers, and gotten some features I wanted out of it.  But
that wouldn't have happened if I'd opened by accusing them of hurting
their users intentionally.

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