Martin Freitag wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
Martin Freitag wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
Just been looking over the user options between the two, and I have to
say that as far as the user is concerned, 1.1.18 had/has far more user
flexibility for configuration, far more informative dialog boxes,
buttons I could actually use, and with few exceptions behaved as I
wanted it to...

Which configuration options and buttons are missing for you now?
Have you filed enhancements bugs for them?


Not being able to turn Javascript on for the Browser or Mail/News

Afaik Mail/News does not execute Javacript in SM2, so you turn it on/off for the browser individually ;-)

Yes - that's my point. There are some digital art groups I subscribe to where I'd like to have it on...SM 1.1.18 allowed me to choose - now I can't.

not knowing just what form of encryption is being applied
where and to what

Browser? MailNews?

Password and Forms Managers, and when storing or retaining PII in general - it was pretty clear in the past that SM 1.1.x was using strong 128 bit encryption for Password 2.x.x they dropped the notification text from the dialog, and when it comes to encryption I never assume anything - other than that if you don't specifically tell me otherwise I assume that I'm vulnerable.

I have no idea what it did for stored Form or other PII because it's never said anything about it in that regard. And that's likely why I've never used Form Manager in the past.

smaller non-user friendly buttons,

This only targets the progress window of downloads, right? I haven't seen other buttons shrinking in SM2 that much.

That's the most notable one - though I recently discovered (last night) that there's some funkiness going on with the Customization of the Taskbars too - if you select "use small icons" it changes both the Navigation and Personal Taskbars to small. If you then select "use large icons" it changes both the Navigation and Personal Taskbars to large.

What I like is large buttons in the Navigation bar, and small ones in my Personal bar...I had to dance around to find out that the user has to AGAIN select Customize/Large and that that will change the Navigation buttons only. That's pretty hokey...but I got what I wanted back.

And I found I could only right-click up a contextual menu if I right clicked in the Navigation Taskbar - that was the confusing part; I should have been able to select either independently, I would think. That's intuitive.

Based on that I can only assume there are others I haven't discovered yet because I haven't played with that part of the interface.

Then there was the whole of the new default "more Mac-like" interface...I was only able to tolerate that about four days, then I replaced it with the other "Modern" one. And I'm a Mac user...I do have to say, the folks on Thunderbird did a way better job making a Mac-like Mac presentation - kudos there.

no Forms name a few.

This is no button and no preference ;-)
(though I know many people are missing it of course)

At least that's a proper segue...

I've already been informed that things like the Forms Manager are dead
and gone for good.

"Only" until someone steps in to develop one.


Yup...I'm not going to hold my breath waiting.

     - Rufus
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