Rufus schrieb:
Martin Freitag wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
Martin Freitag wrote:
Afaik Mail/News does not execute Javacript in SM2, so you turn it
on/off for the browser individually ;-)

Yes - that's my point. There are some digital art groups I subscribe to
where I'd like to have it on...SM 1.1.18 allowed me to choose - now I

You're saying you really getting Mails with Javascripts? I never saw that. What are those scripts doing in an email?

not knowing just what form of encryption is being applied
where and to what

Browser? MailNews?

Password and Forms Managers, and when storing or retaining PII in
general - it was pretty clear in the past that SM 1.1.x was using strong
128 bit encryption for Password 2.x.x they dropped the
notification text from the dialog, and when it comes to encryption I
never assume anything - other than that if you don't specifically tell
me otherwise I assume that I'm vulnerable.

Hum, okay I never noticed that, I guess that could easily be fixed once a bug is filed.

That's the most notable one - though I recently discovered (last night)
that there's some funkiness going on with the Customization of the
Taskbars too - if you select "use small icons" it changes both the
Navigation and Personal Taskbars to small. If you then select "use large
icons" it changes both the Navigation and Personal Taskbars to large.

I cannot confirm that:
Tried several times, no problems switching individually. Only thing I noticed it that the personal bar won't get bigger, no matter what setting is being chosen.

And I found I could only right-click up a contextual menu if I right
clicked in the Navigation Taskbar - that was the confusing part; I
should have been able to select either independently, I would think.
That's intuitive.

It is, it says "settings-bla for _this_ bar" and (at last for me) it behaves that way, too.

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