Phillip Jones wrote:
Rather that take out features because a few very few consider it a Risk.
Use common sense. allow the users decide. Up until it was banned there
has always been a choice in the the preferences all the way back to the
beginning of communicator and possibly Netscape Navigator 3.0.1.a Gold
to turn it on or off.

The reason the option was there is that it was known even back then that Javascript is a risk! It isn't a few who consider Javascript a risk: the inverse is actually true.

What happened recently? Have people even experienced users become
dumber?? If people screw up let them take responsibility for their own

Experience has really got nothing to do with it. It's like claiming that because you are an experienced driver, nothing can crash into your car.

Java Years ago was the scourge of the day. But It was be made relatively
safe. It was put in what is called a sandbox. Can't be JavaScript be
altered to do the same? I suppose the Difference is That Java was
created by Sun a big company. while JavaScript was created by the
developers on Netscape/ Mosaic that are not around anymore.

Java was always an isolated environment, and in particular applets were never intended to be able to affect the actual system. Just like almost any piece of software it has had some security problems, but they've been fixed as they've become known. Javascript is entirely different.

Having said all that, for those who insist on exposing their computers to risk, of having their personal details stolen, or becoming part of botnets, then the choice should be there, but defaulted to off. They should also be criminally liable if that results in their computer becoming part of a botnet, just the same as allowing your house to be used as a base for criminal activity.
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