Phillip Jones wrote:
fel wrote:
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 13:16:19 -0800, Rufus<>  in wrote:

I understand the risks involved with fooling around with about:config if
one doesn't know what one is doing...workarounds are fine for
experienced users, but not for the masses.

Absolutely.  Us masses just make our changes directly in prefs.js.
But seriously,  I wonder just how dumbed down you think that a computer
should be.

A computer is only as smart or dumb as the user.

...your interface should be "dumbed down" to accommodate the "dumbest" user that you are targeting your product to, or that you expect would possibly want to try your product. Simpler is better, useful instructive information provided is always even better.

What if you grandmother would like to use SM because you recommended it? Or your 3rd grade aged nephew?

     - Rufus
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