Martin Freitag wrote:
JohnW-Mpls schrieb:
I switched back from 2.01 because it MAY have been the culprit that
caused my system to crash 6 times in the last 2 months (after I moved
to 2.0). Crashes were immediate appearance of a full blue screen with
white text stating memory had been dumped and a cold boot is required
- bad!! I've not seen one of those for years but I was in SeaMonkey
when the last 2 happened - I don't remember about the first 4 times.
It is highly unlikely that SM causes bluescreens. Bluscreen on
WinNT-based system are nearly always due to hardware failure (RAM,
harddisk,...) or bad drivers (very close to hardware ;-)).

I have to say that last week I experienced the identical BSOD to the above while running SM 2.0.1. It's one of the only times in 28 years of running DOS and Windows on 11 different computers that this has happened. It hasn't recurred so far and my fingers are crossed.

I'd suggest reading the bluescreen which file caused the problem and/or
writing down the STOP error code.

If it does happen again I will do so. I was too panicked to do anything at the time but hard boot and start over.

Also checking the RAM with memtest86, or performing harddisk diagnostic
could be a wise idea.

I'm pretty sure that the problem wasn't with RAM. Then again, I have no idea what caused the crash. Usually program crashes in XP3 don't go to BSOD, that's for sure. The weird thing is that SM 2 has been a lot more stable than any previous version of SM 1.X. I have yet to experience a normal program crash after several weeks, as opposed to maybe once a month with SM 1.x; but that BSOD was new and frightening.


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