Phillip Jones wrote:
Jay Garcia wrote:
On 31.12.2009 19:49, Mark Hansen wrote:

   --- Original Message ---

On 12/31/2009 5:42 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
  Tom wrote:
  I can't see how to add a Print button to my email client in Version
2.0.1. Is the only way to print an email by clicking on FILE-->PRINT?

  Thanks, Tom

  Click on the menubar and hold, a menu should pop up choose customize.
  when menu opens drag the printer icon to desired location  menu bar.

Aren't these instruction specific to Mac? According to the headers on the
original post, the user is on Windows.

For Windows, right-click on the Mail Toolbar and select customize.

By the way, the menubar is the component which includes File, Edit, View,
Go, etc. drop-down menus.

Phillip was close, just missed the part about right-clicking. It's also
a menubar in the mail component - File Edit View ... and so on that you
can right-click on and select customize. You can also right-click on the
Mail Toolbar as well which is right under the menu bar. ;-)

Actually, that's correct. You can use right click (or control click on Mac most likely alt click on PC) But I have to remember also that on a Mac Laptop just holding down the mouse (Track pad) button will bring up the menu as well. I have to remember other platforms don't have that ability. sorry.

One can also set a gesture (two finger tap-"click") for right-click on newer Mac trackpads and the new Magic Mouse.

I generally just refer as "right-click" for each, as it's pretty common from PC to OS X nowadays.

     - Rufus
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