Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Tom wrote:
Jay Garcia wrote:
On 31.12.2009 19:49, Mark Hansen wrote:
I always consider the Menu bar that contains the major task (File Edit
View Option Tools window and help and other at the Main level) the Main
menu bar. whereas other items such as send address attach spell security
(I'm using the mail/news Task bars as an example) as menubars.

If I were at system level File edit view would be at on the main menu
bar In Fact on Mac the first three items after the application name in
the main menubar, are the same identically the same as on the Main
menubar at system level (which is called Finder).


In SeaMonkey its SeaMonkey File Edit View. at system level it Finder
File Edit View

So since you can't alter the main menubar only menubars or application
menubars can be altered

Hi Phillip,

I think by calling all thse things menu bars, you are confusing the
issue, particulary since the application Menu bar behaves very
differently on Mac OS X.  There is only one true Menu bar, which is
where File  Edit  View, etc. are located. On a Mac, this is detached
from the application window, and appears at the top of the desktop. On
Windows and Linux, it s part of the application window, and appears at
the top of that window.

The others are toolbars of various kinds. Click the View menu item, and
then Show/hide, you will see the Naviation Toolbar, the Personal
Toolbar, as well as others either added as custom toolbars or via
extension, such as the Preferences Toolbar and the Web Developer Toolbar.

Calling all of them menubars simply makes it harder to understand what
you are talking about.


I just never consider them other than menu bars or sub menu bars You click on then and in most cases you have other menu choices if you hold them down some if you tap them or click fast they immediately do things.

to me they are another set of menu choices.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net           http://www.vpea.org
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