Interviewed by CNN on 7/1/2010 21:47, OldTimer told the world:
> When I was typing the question I wondered whether it was clear enough. 
> So, here's what happens:  When I click on the SM icon on the desktop it 
> opens with the old account first and I have to scroll down to my other 
> accounts to click on "Get Msgs" (it's quite a scroll as I've got lots of 
> subfolders listed). I'd rather not have to do this each time.
> Now that I think about it, it seems obvious that the first account 
> listed in the left pane is the one that shows up first.  I like the 
> suggestion of re-arranging the order, but I don't think I could handle 
> any "hacking".  Perhaps there's an even easier way to do this?

Oh crap, turns out that there IS an even easier way...

Philip Chee has made available a version of Folderpane Tools that will
install directly on Seamonkey with no need of disabling compatibility
check or anything.

It's here:


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