Bill Davidsen wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:

I've resigned myself to admit. as much fussing and gnashing of teeth we users do a bout a missing feature it goes in one ear and out the other. Developers, Develop, and have no interest in what the end user wants or needs.

It's not that the developers don't care, it's that Seamonkey is just a mashup of Firefox, Thunderbird, and Chazilla. It's not independent code, so unless Firefox gets a decent forms manager I can't see one in Seamonkey.

It was at one time, I thought...great idea - just needs catching up and polishing off. That's only understandable.

But from my observations, I'm inclined to agree with Phillip...any one developer seems to be able to roadblock a user request - even when more than one of the other developers might be in support of the users...

The goal seems to be to provide the suite option with a minimum of resources rather than to fork an independent code base which could have enhanced features, like the webkit code chrome and safari reportedly are using. That's done quite well. From Robert's constant comments about resources, I suspect that what we have is a struggle.

I don't see why that couldn't continue in the form of bundling what might otherwise be add-ons in/with the basic package issued by the SM developers - the architecture of the suite seems modular from the outset, and if people can write add-ons, the team should be able to continue in a "core kit-code plus adds" architecture...I would think. It's just a matter of what gets delivered to SM users as "baseline".

BTW - I've been surveying other packages for the first time in decades...the only other suite I've found (for Mac, anyway) is Opera...which I'm liking enough to mak me trash everything else I've been looking at for one single feature - it opens it's Mail/News function in a tab in the same window as it's browser.

Opera is tab HEAVEN - especially for working on a laptop, and particularly with Mac OS X - I can open Opera full screen without worrying about obscuring/blocking/hiding a window. In with OS X I can also assign Opera to its own Space and...whoa...I get to use my full screen unencumbered.

If I could get everything I have/had functionally and interface-wise in Seamonkey 1.1.18 and that one feature added, I'd consider that package to be very near perfection. Only other thing I'd want would be insurance that the contents of the Forms Manager were encrypted...then I really would call it perfect!

     - Rufus
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