Phillip Jones a écrit :
Because the page referred to, is in French you have to sign up and the
widows I assume to insert email First and last name but I don't know
what boxes are for what.

Ahhh! Gotcha! I missed that bit at the bottom. Let me help you.

Connecter/Connectez-vous = connect (brings you to next page; if you already have an account to comment on the English version of that site, it will work)

Adresse électronique = email

Mot de passe = password

Se connecter = connect

Je n'ai pas de compte = I don't have an account

J'ai oublié mon mot de passe = I forgot my password

Confirmez le mot de passe = confirm password

Prénom = first name

Nom = last name

Pseudo = user name

Masquer le courriel = hide email address

Site Web (URL) = website

Êtes-vous un être humain? = Are you human?

Veuillez taper les deux mots ci-dessous, séparés par un espace = Type the two words below, separating them with a single space

Si c'est illisible, vous pouvez *essayer d'autres mots* ou bien *utiliser le test auditif* à la place = If this can't be read, you can *try with other words* our *use the sound test*

Saisissez votre réponse ici = type your answer here

S'enregistrer = registered

There. I think I got you pretty much covered. If I missed anything, just let me know.

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