David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/26/2010 10:27 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
After their latest site redesign, my hosting company's website won't let me login -- unless, of course I use The Other Browser.


Can anyone say what the problem is? W3C validator returns 8 errors, 13 warnings, but I'm not sophisticated enough to see if any of these is the problem.

When I login with IE, I get one of those little spinners like a flash video buffering, and periodically it says things like "loading configuration," "loading preferences," etc. When I login with SM, I get the same thing, but it just says "loading," and after a while it goes blank and returns me to the login page. I can't look at the code in the video, which I suppose is the point.

UA spoofing doesn't help.


Have you tried contacting them?

My advice is first to try logging-in again while spoofing Firefox.
Then, if it still fails, discuss your problem with their customer
support in terms of Firefox.  Don't even mention SeaMonkey because their
likely reply is either "We don't support SeaMonkey" or "What's

Actually, that's where I started. Initial contacts (and this is why I chose the header "EVANG") were relatively clueless, but the most recent ones have not been.

To take your points one at a time:

1) I tried spoofing Firefox 3.5.4, no go, even after clearing cache and cookies and restarting the browser. It doesn't appear to be a sniffing issue. But my most recent reply from tech support said "The site uses AJAX, not proprietary IE coding. It works normally using Firefox 3.5. It's not a 'browser' issue, as all browsers should be able to use it. We have customers who use everything from safari on macs, to Opera on mobile phones that are able to login to sitecontrol."

I note that I've been able to login for years, with Netscape 4.7, various versions of Mozilla, and now SeaMonkey, until their most recent "upgrade," when I was cast into the outer darkness.

2) They didn't have a problem when I mentioned SeaMonkey, but they do seem confused about its relationship to the Mozilla suite -- an easy mistake to make.

3) My most recent contact took the trouble of reminding me for the fourth time (after I told them in all four of my messages in this thread that I had accepted all five of their cookies) that I need to accept cookies in order to login. And it does /look/ like a cookie issue in that login pages that fail to set a cookie generally return you to the blank login form.

This from their latest may be a clue, though as I noted above he seems to be confusing Mozilla 1.9.1 with SeaMonkey something or other:

"Other than that, there are no real requirements that would cause your browser to be unable to login (unless it's unable to handle AJAX coding.) This may be the case, I did note the following mozilla trouble ticket <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=390859>. This is regarding the fact that certain versions (1.9.1 in this case) of SeaMonkey are unable to render AJAX sites even though IE can."

So my next question to the Mozilla experts is whether the bug referenced above was fixed in the SeaMonkey branch of the family tree, and where (what version number). Anyone know?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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