Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:

And Tidy Extension (HTML Validator) both in SM and FF show 29 error and 2 warnings just on the opening page.

Thanks, I already told them the W3C validator returns 8 errors and 13 warnings. But unless I can show a relationship between one or more errors and the loss of functionality, they are unlikely to be interested.

I recommend that you send them the _results_ and pointers to all three
validators and recommend/argue that as a matter of good programming
they need to correct all the syntax errors in their code at least.
After all, don't they correct all the syntax errors reported by the
compilers of all of their programs as a first step in the program
coding process.
(Or, is that no longer current common practice ???)

Дякую/Thanks. But I already have reasons to upgrade to v. 2, so once I get around to that we'll see if it helps.
Прошу дуже, Нема за що \ You're welcome, de nada. :-)

For the moment, I'm wrestling with an unrelated problem -- had a bad sector on my HDD, and after "fixing" it, my backup software (which btw I reinstalled) compiles the file list normally, but then after a few minutes it terminates and reports (for all 80,000-odd files) "path not found." How it can find the paths to compile the list but not to save the files I don't know....

Співчуваю/ My sympathies. Perhaps you need to try backing up in pieces. Or, if the files are accessible and readable by the system
otherwise, then do a brute force XCOPY (?). Or, try a different
backup program.

Solved it.

Without going into a lot of detail, it turns out the XP version of CHKDSK reports imaginary "errors" that can safely be ignored, and stops doing this after a defrag. As luck would have it, my backup software resumed normal operation after the defrag.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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