On or about 1/31/2010 12:03 PM, George Carden typed the following:
> BeeNeR wrote:
>> On or about 1/31/2010 10:58 AM, George Carden typed the following:
>>> The old ways I am aware of for printing a list of passwords from the
>>> Password Manager don't seem to work in SeaMonkey V2.
>>> This link describes what I'd been doing...
>>> http://edmullen.net/mozilla/moz_pw.php
>>> Ed, or anyone, what is the best way to print passwords now in version 2?
>>> Thanks!
>>> -George
>> Try https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2848
> Only works with Firefox...not SeaMonkey.
> -George

Golly - don't tell my machine it doesn't work.  I'm using it and it sure
does.  Windows XP SP3 up-to-date with SeaMonkey 2.0.2

You'll have to make a CVS file and save it in one of your spread sheet
programs (MS Office / Corel Office / Open Office).  But it works fine.

Last updated: Sun Jan 31 2010 22:17:07 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20100104 SeaMonkey/2.0.2

Extensions (enabled: 9)
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