JD wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
On 1/31/2010 12:35 PM, Rufus wrote:
Benoit Renard wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
I don't understand why people complains about installing SM as a
browser-only. If they don't want the mail or the news parts in SM,
they can use their preferred ones.
The problem with 2.0.x is that you can't opt out of an e-mail
client, and this meant that mailto: links will open up in
SeaMonkey's e-mail client instead of their separate e-mail client.

It takes non-trivial fiddling with 'hidden' preferences to correct
It's actually pretty easy on a Mac, and I'd think it's be just as
easy on a PC...on a Mac, I can set my default Mail handler to
Mail.app, and then set SM to open the browser only on
startup...which is what I do.

So SM Mail/News doesn't open unless I specifically open it; and I
use the SM Mail/News client within the suite to serve newsgroups.

The other thing I do is to set SM to "leave messages on server" -
which I also do with all other machines in my arsenal except my
Intel iMac, which is my primary machine. That way, I can roam with
my laptop, or use any mail client I wish and still have access to
messages when I get home and store them in a central location before
deleting them.

More of a strategy to employ rather than any need to change SM, IMO.
Any platform ought to be able to use this strategy I'd think.

So if you have a mailto link viewed in the Seamonkey browser, you can
click on it and it opens your non-Seamonkey e-mail client? If not,
re-read what Benoit wrote.

No - each operates within it's own app, but I should think that would
be what the user would desire, right? I get what Benoit is saying,
but I was thinking there's also a bit more to what he's saying...

Here's how it works. Let's take SeaMonkey 1.1.18, as its installer was

If you install SeaMonkey with the "Browser only" option, which means
that you have no mailnews component, all mailto: links will open the
system's default e-mail client.

If you install SeaMonkey with the browser (required) and at least
mailnews, mailto: links will open in SeaMonkey's email client, even if
SeaMonkey isn't set as the system's default e-mail client.

The problem for people using SeaMonkey 2.0.x that want to use with
another e-mail client is that you can't install SeaMonkey as a
stand-alone browser anymore. mailnews will always be installed, hence
mailto: links will open in SeaMonkey's e-mail client. This can be
corrected, but from what I hear it's not easy to do.

Yeah...was reading that. What I've been suggesting are workarounds for
using more that one machine/e-mail client to at least make things
available to both clients and all machines without having to dig into
code and/or recompile anything. I can still understand those whom might
want a browser only install...

...only additional thing I'd suggest is setting up SM to add an
automatic cc: to self to insure any e-mail sent from SM will also go
though the user's primary server for all sends. Something I don't
presently do, but may try for a bit and see what I think.

What would be the advantage of a SM Browser only and FireFox, other
than a much better preference setup and FF.

Not to use two browsers, but for more user choice of one default mail
client other than SM Mail/News.

I might do something like SM browser only and Apple Mail.app - as you
say, SM has a better set of Pref options over Safari (or Firefox), but I
might prefer Mail.app as my e-mail client because I don't really use
usenet or newsgroups...if I didn't.

Just more flexibility and choice for the user, that's all. And maybe
saves some disk space.

Not to jump in at the hopefully end of this thread, but SeaMonkey is a "Suite" of programs. If you just want a browser and a separate e-mail program then maybe you should try some other programs that better suit your needs?

...not me in particular...just making the OPs point.

     - Rufus
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