Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-04 3:50 PM, Rufus wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-04 12:42 AM, Rufus wrote:
Well, to start with, your users are your best "user experience" people,
some seem to get that and some don't...

Okay, riddle me this: Do you back up your SeaMonkey data on a regular
basis? If so, how?

Only my Bookmarks file - there was a time when SM was losing Bookmarks.
I just duplicate the file and store it outside of my Profile.

On a Mac it's very easy to back up an entire Profile - I just drag and
drop it's entire contents onto another disk. If I need to reinstate that
profile, I delete the previous folder and let SM build a new default -
then I drop in the contents of my backup.

Dunno what you would do on a PC...

Do you expect most SeaMonkey users to know where their profile folder is? Should they have to know? Backing up your data is a common task, but we don't see many questions about it, because everyone is so used to the workaround.

...funny you should say. I said something very similar about "workarounds" requiring the user to fiddle around with about:config and pretty much got crapped all over by some members of the SM team.

Yes - I agree with you. A user should not have to do what I describe if there is a true desire on behalf of the product to provide an ability for the user to be able to perform that function regularly - the capability should be provided within the SM interface.

But you asked me IF and HOW I did it, not how I thought it should be done.

     - Rufus
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