Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-05 12:06 AM, Rufus wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-02-04 11:50 PM, Rufus wrote:
...funny you should say. I said something very similar about
"workarounds" requiring the user to fiddle around with about:config and
pretty much got crapped all over by some members of the SM team.

Yes - I agree with you. A user should not have to do what I describe if
there is a true desire on behalf of the product to provide an ability
for the user to be able to perform that function regularly - the
capability should be provided within the SM interface.

But you asked me IF and HOW I did it, not how I thought it should be

Yes, I had to ask you. It's not something you've ever suggested
without being asked.

Agreed. So I just gave a straight forward answer to a straight forward

Do you understand the point I was making?

No, actually. I did read the link asking about user work habits...which made me wonder if you were looking for answers in that vein.

Most of my suggestions have been ignored or shot down (like with the small buttons - where I've even been quoted in a bug report) I've stopped spontaneously suggesting. But I'll still answer a question. It was an honest question. If you'd also asked me for a suggestion, I'd have offered one.

     - Rufus
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