Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
Ok Here is the deal:

A vocal minority of people who USE the progress windows don't like them as they stand.

These people wish to have changes made.

KaiRo, the original owner of this area has abandoned it due to "stop energy" when he tried to make improvements.

*I* Am willing to pickup work, however I am self-proclaimed "not good at UI".

So here is what I need (non-coding):
* A bunch of different iterations of UI, preferably full color graphics (rather than ascii art; though that is acceptable in round 1) * The UI iterations should detail the following, different download states, context menu's, and buttons. including what if anything those items do. * At least a brief explanation on how you came to the design decision you did.

These iterations I hope can be drilled down to a small number by the SeaMonkey Council and Neil (the UI "tsar") and then opened back up to the community as "options 'we' can live with, all around".

The idea here, is I am willing to do the coding, but not the UI work; but I am willing to spearhead the effort. I am NOT good at graphic design, but hopefully once we have a final project I can get someone (here?) to help with that.

You may mail me directly with the image files if you do not have webspace to host them; I can do so; I will archive the submissions at:


Hopefully we can satisfy the requirements of the application, and our users with this.

If you look at the original bug thread for background -


I personally think this one from Robert is very near to a winner, graphically -


I like the size of the buttons - just about anyone should be able to both see and target them - and I also have zero issue with them being "smashed to one side". They could be above or below the progress bar, but frankly I like them to one side thus allowing more space for informative text within the dialog box.

I think you got it right, Robert...I hope we get your solution, or something very like it.

     - Rufus
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