Ah HAA!  So THAT's where the old "launch or run" button that appeared after download completed hid itself!  I was so 
missing that feature.  Yes, I understand the need for "security" for the more naive in not presenting them with a big, 
fat "run" button out in the open like it was previously, BUT this seasoned veteran had absolutely NO visual indication 
that you could click on the filename in this dialog box and access these two "open" and "open containing 
folder" options.  I was just about to write a complaint to have this option brought back.

So, back to this thread, Yes, I like the slightly more clear indication (via the tiny 
triangle arrows) that the filename can be clicked (oh, AND the 'From' location just 
below it), but it still would have pass me by if I hadn't known such was the case.  
So, maybe make these two items look like buttons, but only slightly, if that makes 
sense, like making the background color just a shade lighter and surrounded by a 
slightly darker 1 pixel stroke.  OR, just add an actual small button the size of the 
window min, max, close gadgets at the end of each line. <shrug>

Dean Scott
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