Frog wrote:
> Frog wrote:
>> Frog wrote:
>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>> On 3/4/2010 3:56 PM, Frog wrote:
>>>>> I have taken two additional steps since my last message. I made the
>>>>> 2.0.3 version my default browser. That did not fix the problem. I
>>>>> then created a new profile (that included my Inbox)--the letters in
>>>>> the "Go" drop down window remained gray. I am now out of new
>>>>> ideas...short of removing 2.0.3 and continue using 1.1.18.
>>>>> Are there any other recommendations or thoughts?
>>>>> Frog
>>>> Do you use the three-pane layout for the Mail & Newsgroups
>>>> application?
>>>> If not, can you try it? (in SM 1.1.X it was at View -> Layout ->
>>>> Classic
>>>> View).
>>>> With this view, do you have anything listed in the left-hand pane?
>>>> This
>>>> is where Accounts and News Servers are listed.
>>>> Are you able to click on the tree entry representing your e-mail
>>>> account? Does it show the set of operational links in the display
>>>> window (with links like Read messages, Compose a new message, etc.)?
>>>> Can you expand that tree node entry and see a list of your mail
>>>> boxes (Inbox, Drafts, Sent, etc.)? Can you click on these and
>>>> view their contents?
>>>> Can you expand the tree node entry for a news server and see the
>>>> groups to which you are subscribed? Can you click on one of these
>>>> groups and see the messages in the right-hand side?
>>> I think, after a very quick look, that you may be getting close to
>>> solving my problem. I did, from the Mail page, go to
>>> View>Layout>Classic View as you suggested. I, however, do not have any
>>> capability to access a left-hand pane? The little bar along the side
>>> of the window is not there. I will work on the remainder of your
>>> suggestions in your messages later this evening. You got me
>>> excited--maybe my not having a side pane is connected to the problem
>>> of my having a grayed out drop down window under "Go".
>>> More to come.
>>> Frog
>> Problem solved. After receiving JAS message, I revisited View>Layout and
>> at the bottom of the drop down window where Classic was located is an
>> entry "Folder Pane F9". I clicked this entry and my left-hand pane
>> suddenly appeared with all of my accounts included. Next I click "Go"
>> and all of my accounts were now in black letters. I then click one of my
>> news groups and it worked. I am a happy camper to say the least. I will
>> probably add one more message to this thread after I do some more in
>> depth checking of everything.
>> You don't know how happy you have made this old man this evening. Thank
>> you both for leading me to the answer.
>> Thanks,
>> Frog
> Please note--this is the first message sent while using 2.0.3.  I do,
> however, have one question that remains.  Both the side bar is there
> and the letters in the drop-down window under "Go" are black, when I
> click "Folder Pane   F9".  After the side bar is closed, the "Go"
> drop- down window letters turn gray again, while the side bar remains
> ready to click.  Is there some way to keep the "GO" drop down letters
> to be permanently black (not change back to gray)?  I can't find a way
> to place a check mark in front of "Folder Pane   F9".  This, compared
> to where I was, is not a problem--just learning to use the side window
> rather than Go.
> Frog
The only way I was able to it to half way stay was to make the left pane
smaller but you can not close it all together [by placing the cursor on
the vertical bar that separates the folder pane from the message pane
and left click your mouse and hold it down when there is a double  arrow
and drag it left --it gets to about 1" before it suddenly goes all the
way left and you have drag it back0-it may be a bug but I do not know.

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This means you are partly responsible for the mistreatment that you get at the 
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