Report it to Mozilla and the Web site's people.

On 3/30/2010 8:38 PM PT, isuy typed:

When I click the link above, I get this message:

Your browser is not supported at this time.

Browser identifier:mozsea
Browser version:
Browser major version:1
Browser minor version:9.1.8
Browser engine:gecko
Browser engine version:20100222
Full user agent string:mozilla/5.0 (x11; u; linux i686; en-us;
rv: gecko/20100222 seamonkey/2.0.3
Operating system identifier:linux
Operating system version:unknown
Is Flash installed? Yes
Flash version:0
Are popups allowed for this site?Yes
Newest version of Javascript supported by this browser?1.8

Supported Browsers:

name: msie; minimum version: 6.0;maximum version: 9.0
name: firefox; minimum version:
name: mozilla; minimum version:
name: safari; minimum version: 3.1.12
"To the ant, a few drops of dew is a flood." --Iranian
   /\___/\         Phil./Ant @ (Personal Web Site)
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