"Roger Fink"
Did you try to search for nosquint, or no squint, at addons? I got nothing
under Seamonkey, only Firefox. The nosquint at the xsidebar has been tweaked
to install in Seamonkey, as far as I can figure out. Maybe it's a search
problem but I don't think so.

If I was unsure if  it was nosquint  or  no squint,  then I would use
no.squint  or  no-squint  when searching at Google.  You don't have that
luxary when using the Addons  provided search.

Okay,  I normally do not use the  Addons provided search,  though I do have a
bookmarklet  "addons:s" for that as well.   The one I used for  nosquint     was
"addons:"  which is a Google search at addons.


The "addons:s"  search is for Firefox,  I find it really only much good if you 
know the
name of the addon,  so it could have been used.


You can find 95% of my bookmarklets in the k.html file http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/lessons/intro/k.html
linked from

I will be redoing the k.html  file at least once this month in time for a
short presentation at Trenton Computer Festival.

David McRitchie,   extensions I use are briefly documented on my site
Firefox Custom:    http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/firefox.htm

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