On 16.05.2010 20:53, Terry R. wrote:

 --- Original Message ---

> On 5/16/2010 8:22 AM On a whim, Jay Garcia pounded out on the keyboard
>> Wife running SM 1.1.10 cuz she doesn't need to upgrade.
>> New computer - Windows 7
>> Every time she opens the mail component a popup alert says SM isn't the
>> default mail app - interesting because Win7 doesn't come with a mail
>> application - and asks if you want it to be default and a check box to
>> not ask again. Boxed IS checked but it still asks every time.
>> What now? An entry in about:config maybe?
>> Thanks
> Yes, as Jens suggested, right click on the Desktop icon (if that's where
> it's located) and select, "Run as Administrator" and see if saving it
> that way allows it to stick.
> Terry R.

Thanks to all ...

I ran it as admin and that seemed to do the trick, the alert popup
didn't appear. And THEN I updated to .19 .. Running ok now.


*Jay Garcia - Netscape/Flock Champion*
Netscape - Firefox - SeaMonkey - Flock - Thunderbird
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