Robert Kaiser wrote:
Ant schrieb:
I know this has been discussed before a while ago with v2.0.5 updater,
but is it me or did v2.0.5 did not prompt me that there is an 2.0.6

We never did prompt for 2.0.x security updates, so why should we start now?

Robert Kaiser


I know in the past I had seen prompts.

Just my 2 cents on this whole matter... Of course I want the latest updates, and of course I want to install them as soon as it is convenient, but the reason I would like to be informed first is that I used SM for work. I don't want to be in a presentation to a room full of people, and when I start my browser to look up something online, it starts updating itself. That's going to #1 delay my progress and waste my viewers time, and #2, cause me to lose more time while I stop to notify my companies virus scanner that this new program that is installing itself is not a malignant program. It takes a few minutes for me to train the virus checker not to attack new versions of SM when they install. I just want to make sure I'm at a good stop point to do that. I don't let Microsoft automatically update my Windows system either. I let MS notify me that an update is available, and then, at a time of my choosing, I install the updates as soon as possible. It's not about being un-secure or un-safe on the internet... it's about allowing the user to stop whatever work he's doing at that moment, save his progress, and then apply the update when he is ready.

I can't remember how far back it was (or what version it was), but I remember one of these SM udpates had an issue that was identified and quickly fixed. That update prompted, and I didn't install right away, but I was lucky enough to read the forums beforehand and waited until the fixed version went online. If everything had been auto-updated, that could have been a bigger problem than it turned out to be.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. I appreciate all the work the SM team does, and I really like the software... but the "option" for a prompt would make the tool more pleasant for everyone involved.

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