On 8/17/10 10:54 AM, S. Beaulieu wrote:
> d...@kd4e.com a écrit :
>> You might write their corporate Sales Dept. and ask them if they
>> were intentionally blocking millions of users from accessing
>> their site or if their Web designers failed to inform them that
>> they had done so.
>> Should get a rise out of them ... especially in this economy!
> I did, last week! And their technician was really quick to replay about 
> it and seemed to really take an interest in solving the problem. That 
> being said, I just received a final reply from him where he more or less 
> told me to use another browser. I'm currently composing an appropriate 
> reply...
> No doubt that if more people act on the bug report with proper Gecko is 
> Gecko-type information, it should get things moving.
> S.

Write a postal letter to the head of Subaru Canada:
        Mr. Shiro Ohta, President       
        Subaru Canada, Inc
        560 Suffolk Court
        Mississauga, ON L5R 4J7
Do not be too technical.  However, point out that suggestions to use
some other brand of browser will be treated as if it were suggested to
use some other brand of automobile.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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