JeffM wrote: If a newbie can do damage without any prompt that what
he is doing is dangerous, he gets a fowl impression of "Linux"
--because Puppy is a poor implementation of Linux.

Again, with Puppy, it's too easy for a n00b to get a bad impression
when one of the selling points of a proper Linux distro is that that
kind of crap doesn't happen.

Now, if someone absolutely MUST have Puppy, there is **one** extant
version which has proper userlevels (i.e. you're **not** always
running as root).

...and running *any* Puppy from **non-writable** media is OK as the
OS can't get borked that way. As soon as you *install* Puppy,
however, (any except the one exemplar), Puppy becomes vulnerable.

This is so filled with error it would take too long to refute
them properly, but here's the short list:

There are *several* versions of Puppy with user accounts.  FatDog 64
comes to mind but I *know* that there are more.  Fluppy (optimized
for non-eee model Netbooks utilizes a Trash folder to create the
opportunity for recovery of files that one may occasionally delete

It is as easy, or easier, to add and remove apps from Puppy than
in MS versions of windows.  (Puppy Package Manager, Quickpet,
and PET files  - which only need to be clicked on and they

It is just as easy, or easier, to "bork" MS versions of windows -
again, one merely need to read the thousands of posts all over
the Internet from MS versions of windows victims ... errr ...
users who have done so.



Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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