We and a great many others that are and have been using ZAP2IT.COM for many years and with many browsers -- currently now including SeaMonkey 2.x, Firefox 3.6.x and now Firefox 4, IE 5 through IE 8 and 9, SlimBrowser 5 -- and many OS systems.

We and a great many others have had few if any problems with ZAP2IT.COM -- with any problems seen seemingly dwelling in arcane MS IE 6, 7, 8, 9 settings and design factors, not in the other browsers nor on the ZAP2IT.COM pages.

As is usual, if the ZAP2IT.COM site was in that dire of straits as far as HTML / XHTML / PHP and who knows what else coding problems, then not many people could ever have used it, and it would have collapsed years ago.

May I and "we" ZAP2IT.COM users suggest looking more into your own OS, your browsers that are in use, and the fact that in many instances, the computer end-user has mangled their own systems and/or browsers to the extent of having manifold problems.


On 10/9/2010 3:25 AM, support-seamonkey-requ...@lists.mozilla.org wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 11:20:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: JeffM<jef...@email.com>
Subject: Re: Anyone else having problems with zap2it?

DSF wrote:
There are many other web sites where I save pages this way.
I'll bet when you check those other pages for crappiness
they look more like this
than like this

Zap2it.com is the only place I've found where this happens.

If those morons knew how to construct a Web page.
*that* would be a start.
Over 100 XHTML errors on a single page is just pathetic.

You could send them the link to their validation results
and tell them they need to pull their heads out of their rear


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