On 12/23/10 8:13 PM, dev wrote:
> /David E. Ross/ said:
>> I'm finding more and more Web sites with streaming broadcasts that
>> use Flash or some application embedded in a Web page to play the
>> stream. This means that, as soon as I go to another Web page or
>> change my profile, I lose the broadcast.  Sometimes, this also
>> happens with Windows Media Player, for which I recently disabled the
>> plugin.
>> Is there some way (perhaps an extension) that forces such a stream
>> into an application external to SeaMonkey (e.g., Winamp, RealPlayer)
>> so that playing the stream is no longer tied to a particular Web
>> page?
> The new window won't disturb the old.
> Or try <SHIFT>clicking on the SM icon in the taskbar.  That should start
> another instance, which will open browser, mail, composer or the address
> book, depending upon which you have SM configured to open, under

Oh, I know I can use tabbed browsing or a new window to continue playing
the streamed broadcast.  But I want to change profiles; I have four
different SeaMonkey profiles.  When I change profiles, any extra
SeaMonkey windows or tabs close.  Then I lose the broadcast.


David E. Ross

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