David E. Ross a écrit :
On 12/25/10 1:45 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/25/10 1:01 PM, cyberzen wrote:
David E. Ross a écrit :
On 12/25/10 4:37 AM, Rick Merrill wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/23/10 8:13 PM, dev wrote:
/David E. Ross/ said:
I'm finding more and more Web sites with streaming broadcasts that
use Flash or some application embedded in a Web page to play the
stream. This means that, as soon as I go to another Web page or
change my profile, I lose the broadcast.  Sometimes, this also
happens with Windows Media Player, for which I recently disabled the

Is there some way (perhaps an extension) that forces such a stream
into an application external to SeaMonkey (e.g., Winamp, RealPlayer)
so that playing the stream is no longer tied to a particular Web


The new window won't disturb the old.

Or try<SHIFT>clicking on the SM icon in the taskbar.  That should start
another instance, which will open browser, mail, composer or the address
book, depending upon which you have SM configured to open, under

Oh, I know I can use tabbed browsing or a new window to continue playing
the streamed broadcast.  But I want to change profiles; I have four
different SeaMonkey profiles.  When I change profiles, any extra
SeaMonkey windows or tabs close.  Then I lose the broadcast.

If you change profiles you can't 'see' what's in the other profiles (nor hear).

stick to 'dev's advice.

If I select a link on a Web page for a streaming broadcast and that
causes Winamp or RealPlayer to launch, the broadcast continues playing
when I switch profiles or even terminate SeaMonkey.  I want to find a
way to launch an external application when the link would otherwise play
via Flash or some other embedded Web page application.

sounds that what you are asking was done by mediaplayerconnectivity
this is an addon working with SM1 or Firefox any release.
it can launch an external application depending of the embedded media

I downloaded mediaplayerconnectivity 0.9.3 from
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/>  and tried to install it.  I
got an error popup saying that it is not compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0.11.

I searched<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/>  for
mediaplayerconnectivity, but it could not be found there.

I also tried downloading mediaplayerconnectivity 0.9.1 from the
developer's own Web site at
<http://membres.multimania.fr/sethnakht/index.php>.  There, I saw: "For
FireFox 0.9-2.0, Mozilla 1.7-1.8, Seam Monkey 1.0, Netscape 8-8.1".
0.9.1 was released two years ago, when SeaMonkey was indeed still at 1.x.

I got an error popup that said: "mediaplayerconnectivity 0.9.1 could not
be installed because it is not compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0.11."

I think the dev stopped looking after it, but someone managed to make it work with firefox 3 (and seamonkey 1)
(there are different versions, it's a mess)

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