Phillip Chee pointed out this in:
The SeaMonkey 2.0.x branch is in maintenance mode. Only security and
stability fixes are allowed.

If this is the case, then shouldn't standard users be notified of this on:
particularly since that is the "Official" download site and the supposed
official release of SeaMonkey?

As a 'User' of SeaMonkey (in both personal and production environments),
I'd appreciate an "official" comment from the SeaMonkey devs/project
management as to whether SeaMonkey 2.0 is "in maintenance mode" and if
"Only security and stability fixes are allowed" for 2.0.

I'd also appreciate comments as to the direction of SeaMonkey;
- will users go through yet another SM 1.x to 2.0 transition in the near
- will provisions be made for importing/exporting lightning calendars?
- what can users expect in the 2.0 to 2.1 transition?

SeaMonkey 2.1 is in "beta" and has not yet been released.
Be careful! The SeaMonkey version available for download on this page is
a testing-only preview of the next generation of our Internet suite.
Please test it carefully, it's not yet in a state where we can encourage
you to use it for daily browsing and mail operations.
For daily use, we strongly advise you to download the current stable
release instead.

As you all know, it was a pretty difficult transition for some users to
go from SM 1.x to 2.0. If 2.0 is now "maintenance only" mode, then I
wonder if it is worth continuing with SeaMonkey further.

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