Neil wrote:
NoOp wrote:

As you all know, it was a pretty difficult transition for some users
to go from SM 1.x to 2.0. If 2.0 is now "maintenance only" mode, then
I wonder if it is worth continuing with SeaMonkey further.

I think you have misunderstood the point of "maintenance". New features
are always developed on trunk. At some point, we'll put a temporary
freeze on new features, to allow as many remaining bugs in those
features to be discovered and fixed. Locale strings are also normally
frozen at this point. Eventually we decide we're ready and create a
release branch. Development on the next version of SeaMonkey can then
restart on trunk (in practice we don't have the resources for this until
after the release.) Meanwhile the release branch fixes last-minute bugs
at which point we can then release the x.x.0 version. But that's not the
end of the branch; bugs are always being found, and if they have a
severe impact (e.g. data loss, crash) then they are fixed on the branch
and typically every month a maintenance release containing these fixes
is delivered.

IMHO: The best way if life/status is:
1. Days for creating and testing the new release.
2. The day of the release.
3. Days for staying in maintenance mode.
The ending time of the status 3 will be better in the middel of the status 3 of the next new release/major version.
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