NoOp wrote:
On 02/25/2011 11:36 AM, Walter wrote:

NoOp wrote:
Seems to be sufficent infor for a bug report. Go to the first one above
&   click on 'Bugzilla - Report this Crash'.

Bug # 636797 reported.

You should include the crash report information/links in that&  and also
include the weather url that you were viewing when it kept crashing.
However, see Roberts info that F signatures are Flash related. So you
might check to see if you have the latest flash version&  perhaps try
clearing your cache (memory&  disk) to see if that has any effect.

What flash version do you have installed? You can check in
'about:plugins' and also:

Flash is current, weather URL is part of information included in crash report.

At this point, I will just live with it and hope that next SM update will have found and fixed it.

A big thanks for all the help and suggestions. I know just enough about computers to be dangerous.

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