Interviewed by CNN on 05/05/2011 06:33, Ray_Net told the world:

> Did you say that i just need to copy:
> C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\Browser\nppdf32.dll
> to the directory:
> C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\plugins\
> ?

Yes. My setup is slightly different because I'm on a 64-bit machine with
Adobe Reader X, but you got the gist of it.

The Adobe installer knows about Firefox, but it doesn't know about
Seamonkey. So you have to copy the plugin manually.

Alternatively, if you have Firefox installed, you can copy the plugin
(and any other plugins you may be interested on) from the Firefox plugin
folder. QuickTime plugins, for instance, can be recognized by the file
names beginning with "npqt".

You may notice that not all plugins are actually present in the plugin
folder -- Java and Flash come to mind. That's because those are
discovered by means of a registry entry. You don't need to worry about
them, both Firefox and Seamonkey find the plugin by themselves.


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