Daniel wrote:
David, to eliminate the possibility that it is the mail that is causing
this problem, could you go to Edit->Preferences->Mail & Newsgroups and
under General Settings , untick "Only check for mail....", Close the
Preferences window, then go Edit->Mail& Newsgroup Account Settings and
select Server Settings on your email account and in the Server Settings
section, untick "Check for new messages....", "Check for new
message....." and "Automatically download......" and close this screen,

Then do your normal browsing and then, at the end of your session, open
the mail portion of SM, get your mail and report back here.

Thanks, Daniel.

My mail settings are a little different, maybe because I only use IMAP mail.

Anyway, I think I have disabled all the automatic mail and news activities, and I will see what happens. For now, I still have the mailnews window open, but I will try closing it if I still see the problem.

Will report back...

David Wilkinson
support-seamonkey mailing list

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