On 6/12/2011 12:52 PM MCBastos submitted the following:
Interviewed by CNN on 12/06/2011 13:26, MCBastos told the world:
Interviewed by CNN on 12/06/2011 12:14, W3BNR told the world:

So I'll be waiting for the updates to:
Download Helper
Quote Colors
Show IP
Mail User Agent

I wouldn't hold my breath for Display Mail User-Agent, it seems to have
been abandoned -- version 1.6.6 had problems in Seamonkey for months but
wasn't fixed. But I managed to update the maxversion in 1.6.5. and it
seem to work OK in SM 2.1. (Now that 2.1 is final, I might have a look
at 1.6.6 again, since it seemed to work in Thunderbird...)

Quote Colors is in a similar situation, but again, it seems to work with
just a change in the maxversion.

If Philip Chee is interested, I can mail him my hacked versions of those
and a couple other extensions that seem to be working fine in SM 2.1

Follow-up: DisplayMUA 1.6.6 (even hacking maxversion) is still incompatible with
SeaMonkey, while a maxversion-hacked 1.6.5 seems to work.

I have hacked versions of the following extensions, which all seem to be 

- Display Mail User Agent 1.6.5
- JSlib 0.1.366
- MailRedirect
- PrefBar 5.1.1
- QuoteColors 0.3

Great!  I've already deleted the add-ons that don't work with 2.1.
And always installed from the web pages rather than downloading and saving the files. Oh, well - I'll just have to wait for the updates.

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