Rex wrote:
Firefox went from version 4 to version 5 in less than 2 months - in
imitation of Google Chrome, who seem to be incrementing the version
every other week.
Please tell me Seamonkey isn't going to do the same thing so that by the
end of the year we're up to version 3.5 or 4, and 5 by next year.
Last week I updated to 2.1, and now barely a month later you're on 2.2,
and looks like 2.3 is a few weeks away..compared to when 2.0 debuted
last September and went on up to 2.0.14 for the minor fixes.

I can see 2.1 has major new features and changes relative to 2.0x, but
what about between 2.1 and 2.2? Shouldn't this be a minor update to 2.1?

I have the same gripe as others here - broken extensions. All this while
I was happily using QuoteColors, Tagzilla, and several more, now they're
all broken.

So you haven't read the SeaMonkey 2.2 Release post in this newsgroup?

There are 2 major upgrades for SM 2.1, but is also the major upgrade for SM 2.0.14.

I'll repost the release notes for you.
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