Daniel wrote:

Philip, I have my toolbars set for text only, just like you, however I've done 
(or had done) the auto-upgrade to SM 2.2, so I've got:-

Reply dropdown
Reply to Sender only
Reply to Newsgroup (in bold)

Reply to All dropdown
Reply to Sender and Newsgroup (in bold)
Reply to all Recipients

I reply to the Newsgroup direct.

I think that we are still talking at cross-purposes : what
you see as a Newsgroup (and access using NNTP), I see as
a mailing list and access using IMAP.  The toolbars presented
by Seamonkey in IMAP mode and in NNTP mode are not the same,
nor could they reasonably be expected to be.

** Phil.
support-seamonkey mailing list

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