Interviewed by CNN on 27/07/2011 16:19, Cathy Palmer-Lister told the world:
> Hi, I moved to a new computer,and from XP to Win 7. I cannot get SM to 
> work with Norton antvirus though they got along just fine in old 
> computer. I've tried installing SM before the antivirus and vice versa 
> but same result--some sites do not load at all, some give weird error 
> messages.  Sometimes the FB like button wants to downlaod as a programme 
> or something. Facebook is the worst, but even google does not always 
> load in properly.

Well, I suppose you have already paid for it, so this ship has sailed,

My general advice would be to get rid of Norton. Well, get rid of
anything by Symantec. It's the only company I have ever seen which has a
business model of buying fine pieces of technology and either killing
them or turning them into crap. Not even Corel or Microsoft are as bad.


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