Interviewed by CNN on 07/08/2011 17:41, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd)
told the world:

> Yes indeed, Chris, and it was not my intention to ignore
> it.  Rather, my point (perhaps poorly made) was that
> by tying increased security and incremental bug fixes
> to deliberate (or forced, by changes in the underlying
> engine or in the Firefox sources) changes in the user
> interface (or whatever), a Seamonkey user is now
> required to accept the latter in order to benefit
> from the former.  It was my impression (and I may
> have been wrong), that up and till V2.0.14, these
> two elements were not bundled : that is, V2.0.14 was
> incrementally better than V2.0.x, x < 14, yet there
> were no perceivable changes in the user interface.
> Now, if I understand correctly, a user wishing to benefit
> from post V2.2 security/stability/performance will have
> no option but to migrate to V2.3+, even though doing
> so may adversely affect his/her user experience.

That's essentially correct, but then, that has always been the way of
things. Seamonkey 1.x is no longer supported, so if users want the
security benefits of Seamonkey 2.x, they will have to accept the new
user experience as well.

That's true for any product. GM no longer supports my old car. Mozilla
no longer supports Firefox 2.x Microsoft no longer supports Windows 2000.

The variable, of course, is time. Seamonkey used to support older
releases for a while. So did Mozilla -- in fact, Firefox 3.6.x is
currently still supported, although 4.0 no longer is.

But, the thing is, with limited resources available, supporting those
old releases means that the new release does not receive as much work as
it needs. With Seamonkey tied to the every-six-weeks Mozilla release
schedule, delaying release is not an option. So supporting the old
releases is no longer viable.


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